Yodi PMU oinment x 150 sachets

$150.00 w/o tax

Yodi Pmu has antioxidant action properties and is made with natural ingredients based on scientific evidence for the skin, ingredients such as: Vitamin E, vitamin B3, Pro-Vitamin A. Is also a product free of parabens, which can cause allergies or breakouts in the skin, generating burning, itching, redness, dryness, inflammation, pain in the skin, which would affect our healing process.

The YODI PMU was put to the test in order to provide security to all our clients that it is a product that does not cause allergies, breakouts, or any type of anomaly that affects or damages your skin when healing or scarring in its procedures. or treated areas, in this way we provide safety and quality in our product.


YODI PMU is against animal abuse and tests on them, on the contrary, we support shelters, foundations and rescuers who are helping the most vulnerable and abused animals every day.


Yodi PMU oinment x 150 sachets
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